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Winter Wonderland - After the Storm

by Michael Landry
(Montreal, Quebec )

Winter Wonderland - After The Storm

Winter Wonderland - After The Storm

My brother recently built a new home at the foot of Whistler Mountain in British Columbia, Canada. As a house warming gift, I painted the attached scene.

The challenge for me was getting a realistic perspective of the mountain and the fresh fallen snow.

I started with the trees in the back ground, gradually doing some overlaying, darkening as I approached the front of the house. I used mainly black and yellow to show depth in the evergreen growth and to differentiate the different tones of the bows.

I became a little perplexed as to how I would paint the foreground as I wanted give the illusion of drifting snow and at the same time make it bright and sparkling with a hint of the sky colours. Within a few seconds, I nonchalantly loaded a 2 “ brush loaded with cerulean blue, cobalt blue, burnt umber and cadmium red and titanium white. I moved the brush back and forth, keeping in line with the contours of the snow drifts. I do not yet really know how to mix colours. This was a guess and it seemed to workout.

He was quite surprised and pleased with the painting, hanging on the stairwell, leading to the second floor. It is a 30x20 size.

Comments for Winter Wonderland - After the Storm

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Dec 03, 2019
So Thoughtful NEW
by: Bonnie Fontaine

Beautifully done! He must have loved it. What a special gift!

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