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Up Close

by Jules Sharman
(Launceston Tasmania)

Up Close - oil painting

Up Close - oil painting

Hello Explore Peeps,

Hope you are all well. This is my most recent oil painting - one of 6 of my Aussie coastal series. It's a snippet from a location called Penguin in Tasmania. It's a beautiful little family friendly beach to swim and frolic safely protected from the harsh wild weather that often hammers coastline here.

The thing I love about painting seascapes is the fact there really are no limitations. I'm in my element enjoying depicting the sea, ocean, waves and beaches from different perspectives in a variety of compositions. I'm also expanding my colour palette in each piece for added fun and complexity which seems to be doing my cerebral cells well lol.

I think I've mentioned before it's great getting out of the mundane mode to challenge oneself to evolve more, which I'm doing and really pleased with where it's taking my art and little old happy me.

This perspective is different from the usual and I'm thinking the colours here add to its uniqueness - hope you enjoy.

Take care and stay safe in this crazy but wonderful world!

Jules Sharman xx

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