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Tropical Breeze

by Mike aka "Morphd Mohawk"
(Fort Worth, TX, USA)

Tropical Breeze

Tropical Breeze

I am very much a happy painter and love Mark's instruction and of course his work. Using his water methods that I see in this painting every time I happen to look at it, I am moved to leave it alone.

Originally painted on location at Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, it was a quick study that I had planned to "finish" at the studio when I returned from this holiday as you say. However, every time I look at it, in its simplicity, I am moved to leave it alone. The little things in it speak so much to me, and my own work rarely does that. I will keep watching and reading Mark's advice, I really think he is a great inspirational teacher as well as amazing artist. I hope some day to make the trek to Australia to take one of his classes. Until then, I will keep reading, watching and applying what he shows us to my own work.

Cheers Mates.

Comments for Tropical Breeze

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Jun 01, 2021
Wish I was there. NEW
by: Jean

I like to come calm of your painting. Drawing and painting a scene has so much more meaning of the experience than a photo can. Great job Mike!

Aug 13, 2019
Love this NEW
by: Jane from UK

Really like the feeling of a warm breezy day! Gorgeous colours too. Great job!

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