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The Emu At Sunset At The Billabong

by Sami (aka Crazy Bird Lady)
(Southport, Queensland, Australia)

The Emu Without a Spear!

The Emu Without a Spear!

I am the crazy bird lady (well one of them, there are a lot of us)! Parrots are my passion and with every painting I do you will find one of those "m" type birds in the distant. My art teacher teases me about it. I had to share this particular painting with you as it is a great example of my passion, and a funny story to boot...

In my art class we are learning from Len Hend's Speed Painting DVDs. They are landscape paintings of the Australian bush and after Mark, Len would be my next favourite painter. Whilst watching the video Len gets to a part where he is painting two Aboriginals with spears and makes the comment that they are waiting at the top of the cliff to spear the birds coming down to the water for a drink. Little ole me pipes up with "they're not going in my painting if they are going to kill birds" (did I mention I am a crazy bird lady?????) Everyone laughed and on we went with the painting. Well when we got to the bit where we had to paint the Aboriginals in I decided to do an emu instead (I did warn you I was one of the crazy bird ladies). The class all chuckled and I think a couple were twirling their fingers near their heads...

I boldly decided that I was going to email Len and thank him for his instructions and attached a couple of the paintings I had completed in class. One of them was the one above and I told him about why there was an emu and no aboriginals. I was delighted to receive a reply from Len who loved my story, and my paintings and said I had made his day. Now that was a real warm fuzzy moment let me tell you.

My passion is to become an avian artist so stay tuned for more from the Crazy Bird Lady :D

Comments for The Emu At Sunset At The Billabong

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Jul 14, 2015
Joy in life
by: Skye Nothling

This life is all about joys and fun. It is not just about bringing prosperity and success to it. It is the purpose of painting to bring joy in life. Well done Sami.

Jul 12, 2015
by: Aleena

It is delightful to read this post and i get many useful point through this post. Please keep posting such kind of post.

Sep 27, 2013
Love the emu
by: Sue

Hi Sami,
I too have Len's DVD's.
Love the painting that you've done. As soon as I looked at it, I knew you had inspiration from Len.
Great colour in your work. Love the story. Happy painting.

Aug 31, 2013
by: Jim

Love the colours. I'm not familiar with Len Hends' work but I'll look him up. I don't know about speed painting. If I try to go fast, I just make a mess of the canvas.

Aug 30, 2013
very Australian
by: Pamela

this a fabulous work of art

Aug 29, 2013
Way Cool Painting Sami!
by: Frankie

Hi Sami,

Thanks so much for sharing your painting and especially the great story behind it. So glad you're having a great time throwing paint around!

Cheers CBL,
Frankie :)

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