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The Catch

by Morphd Mohawk
(Fort Worth, TX)

The Catch

The Catch

A friend of mine took his son for one last fishing trip before college and life gets in the way of the father and son time.

He caught one of the best Red Drum fish of the trip. My friend asked me to paint it for them. I was very honored. Though I did take a lot of artistic license, he really liked it. Red Drum are not that colorful a fish, but even in the poor conditions the photo was taken in, I could see greens, blues, golds, and deep browns so I pulled out most of them and began to let the painting take over.

I did utilize Mark's teachings, though it reflects more my own style and finding his techniques might be challenging to your eye. :)

However, Mark has helped me see and approach water very differently and for that I am grateful.


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Jan 23, 2016
fab NEW
by: Anonymous

love this

Aug 06, 2015
Great job.
by: S.Daniel

Fishing is great and you have captured this brilliantly. Great job. SD.

Aug 01, 2015
A lovely piece
by: Anonymous

Thanks for painting this - it's lovely!

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