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Take Me To The River

by Jackie Allen
(Rutherglen, Victoria, Australia)

The Murray River Near Rutherglen

The Murray River Near Rutherglen

I started painting in February this year after an accident left me mobility challenged. This is the first painting I have ever completed.

This painting was based on an speed painting lesson I found on the internet by Len Hend. I loved it when I painted it.....but now I can see my greens are not quite right :)

I will keep it to remind me of how far I have come.

Comments for Take Me To The River

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Oct 27, 2014
great water NEW
by: Dennis, Orange NSW Australia

As well as anything else in the painting the river is done really well. Just about throw a stone in it and hear it splash.

Nov 07, 2013
Wow! NEW
by: Linda, Orlando FL

I can't believe this is your first painting. I can't wait to see future paintings. Love the reflections!

Oct 15, 2013
Another good one. NEW
by: Jim

Well done Jackie. If this is based on speed painting, imagine what you could do if you took your time. Keep going girl.

Sep 17, 2013
Very Impressed NEW
by: Jane

Hi Jackie

I'm really impressed with this as your first painting ... you are starting at a much higher base than I did!

I wish I could see an enlarged version of the photo as it's a little hard to see some of the detail - for instance I can't really see the greens you refer to but I suspect they may be a little bright.

The river water and reflections are totally believable and create a lovely sense of calm. There is also sense of distance into the hills at the rear of the pictures.

Hope you get lots of joy from your new hobby!

Kind regards Jane

Sep 17, 2013
Very Impressed NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi Jackie - I really wish I could see an enlarged photo!

The picture looks really impressive and has a lovely calm quality about it. The water / reflections are totally believable as is the sense of distance too. I can't really see the greens you refer to but I'm guessing they may be a bit bright?

Congratulations and I hope you get lots of joy from your new found hobby.


Sep 17, 2013
First Completed Painting - Awesome Effort! NEW
by: Frankie

Hey Jackie,

I'm so impressed with your first completed painting. Legend! Keep on throwing that acrylic paint around :)


Sep 17, 2013
lovely reflection NEW
by: Pamela Meredith

I love everything about this painting the reflection is very good love all of it

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