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Surprising a Kangaroo Mumma With Her Joey

by Toni Stritzke
(Perth Western Australia)

Upon surprising a kangaroo mumma with her joey

Upon surprising a kangaroo mumma with her joey

I love to take a late afternoon walk in Shepherd’s Bush Reserve which is near my house.

One day when I was walking along, the late afternoon sun was shining through the gum trees making me feel pleasantly meditative.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a slight movement.

I glanced up to see this beautiful mother kangaroo illuminated against the setting sun..

This drawing is an example of a happy accident. We were meant to bring acrylic paint to the class but I misunderstood so I had to use whatever I could. With nothing to loose, I splashed the background colours with happy abandon.

When I’d finished, it seemed the perfect backdrop for my kangaroo, which is done with pastels.

Comments for Surprising a Kangaroo Mumma With Her Joey

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Dec 08, 2020
Beautiful NEW
by: Steve Myers

Really nice work Toni
I love the colours and the background is wonderful
Kind regards

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