by Jules Sharman
(Launceston Tasmania)
This is my story behind 'Strength'...
Proud I was opening my new business - sharing my life,
my dreams, my passion, that something special which fills my heart.
So happy I was…then COVID reared its nasty head,
One by one people suddenly fell – even the kind and smart.
It was then I realised I was the only one left,
Those who welcomed me to the Plaza no longer with me.
Borders closed, people stranded near and far.
So many tears shed, as I watched out the window - I see.
The CBD a ghost town, the majority unemployed,
Until goodness knows when.
I stand in shock – a city completely barren,
Except the odd few not staying in their den.
I realised I can’t fight this - it is what it is,
A new way of life begins in front of my eyes.
I plea “support local business” it can’t be that hard!
For now, I’m closed which hurts like demise.
Home schooling, no sport, no beaches, no camping,
As time passes - isolation now the norm.
I ponder just how many trials will I endure,
Exactly how many more horrid storms!
Frontline health workers smack bang in the middle,
Friends so dear separate from their brood.
Protecting them from COVID is what they intend,
And still others don’t respect just how it is so crude.
They say, “Stay the F*&$# at Home”,
Which to me sounded ever so rude at first.
It didn’t take long til hitting home,
I couldn’t do anything except mentally burst!
I no longer feel guilty because I know my place,
In the end will survive.
It pulled me down lower than I’d thought,
Being told from those who’d permanently taken a dive.
Regardless of public restrictions we always have options,
We can wilt and be blown away or
We can turn, face the sun and feel the warmth,
Believe we can do this plus so very much more!
It was in that moment I painted this piece,
And named it ‘Strength’.
As I am grateful to be isolating with family,
While everything I possibly need is within hands length!
Written by Jules Sharman 2020