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by Rashmi Bansal
(Kolkata, West Bengal, India)



I picked up paint and brush after 42 years at my daughter's encouragement. I used to do oils a long time back. I bought a couple of books to understand acrylics, watched you tube videos and Mark's painting tips and started off by trial and error method.

This painting was my daughter's wish. Her brief was- high mountains with a river flowing between them. Snow on distant peaks and a soaring eagle. She wanted it to hang it on the wall behind her office chair. Enough to give me nervous jitters.

After dawdling over it for a long time here is the final product. I am learning with every attempt and trying new things. Give your feedback please.

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Feb 04, 2019
Its never too late NEW
by: Anonymous

The write-up is inspiring in the sense it proves that it is never too late to try anything, to learn skills. It also shows how encourage and love work wonders.

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