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Painting Boats & Water - Southwold

by Jane
(Suffolk UK)

Sun Bleached in Southwold

Sun Bleached in Southwold

I love boats and feel that I can paint them quite well but in this picture you will see that I've struggled with the water.

The rivers of East Coast of the UK join up with the North Sea and English Channel which have strong tides and a large tidal range (16 ft between high and low tides) ... so the waters are not beautifully clear as there is a lot of sediment moving around.

After learning from Mark's tutorials I think I'd make a better stab of this picture now.

Comments for Painting Boats & Water - Southwold

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Nov 06, 2013
Love the atmosphere NEW
by: Linda, Orlando FL

I can hear the sounds of the boats being hit by the gentle waves and the gulls flapping their wings. The realism of the boat structure and the ground area is lovely. I am definitely a water person and your painting brings back memories. You led me into the picture with the boats and brought me back with the gulls. Great job.

Oct 24, 2013
Great boats NEW
by: Denise

I've seen those boats at Southwold. You have done a great job of capturing them. Congratulations.

Oct 15, 2013
Great. NEW
by: Jim

Terrific job Jane. The boats look realistic. I really like this.

Oct 15, 2013
by: Anonymous

I love the realism in the boats - I just want to climb in and go for a row. Well done

Oct 15, 2013
wow NEW
by: Pamela Meredith

this is a great work of art well painted love what you have painted

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