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My Sanctuary

by Christy Lachelle
(Ruston La)

My Sanctuary

My Sanctuary

I've never been able to draw like my sisters and daughters. My daughters have taken art in school and enjoy painting tremendously. All 3 are amazing, my middle daughter has a piece hanging in the Philharmonic in Naples Florida a contest she won Senior year, human form is a strong suit of hers.

I've looked at their work in awe, I've always been creative and told I had an eye for color and design. In 2018 my oldest begged me to paint with her, I'm very critical of my work and will ocd myself to death. I see the flaws ya know. Well in a bet she got small 11x14 canvases and a silly game, pick a topic and paint in 30 minutes. Turns out I'm pretty ok at it. No real technique and never use proper brushes. I painted for a year, life interrupted, and about a year ago recovering from a near fatal heart attack at 46 I picked up a brush and poured myself into it. Very healing and therapeutic.

This is my favorite my sanctuary in my own head.

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