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Morning Stroll

by Jules Sharman

Morning Stroll

Morning Stroll

Hello Wonderful Explore People,

I hope you are well and staying safe. This is a recent oil painting as part of my Aussie Coastal Series soon to be released. 'Morning Stroll' on the North West coast of Tasmania provides great peaceful thoughts, refreshing the mind, body and soul which we need often I say...and recommend :)

Still testing colour boundaries and seascape perspectives and am loooving every minute of it.

Also I'm really into painting rocks at the moment. This time last year I was given the nick name 'rock woman' as I use to paint tiny pebbles on beaches a fair bit. Although they are fun to paint I'm applying a vast range of techniques on bigger rock surfaces - to achieve the dimension and light capture I'm seeking.

Large rocks and cliffs look so easy and quick to paint but that's far from the truth lol - you just have to bog in and get stuck into fine layers of detail upon detail, highlights upon highlights and shadows upon shadows.

I grabbed a couple of old flat, straight brushes and chopped the bristles on different angles and discovered these were fantastic to work with - even more so than some expensive brand angled brushes. Non matter how professional an artist we are my motto is - NEVER compromise on the quality of paintings - however, NEVER underestimate the capabilities and benefits of making new tools, and creating new techniques from old tools. The options are endless and are quite rewarding on several levels that reflect in your own work.

Take care - until next time,
Jules Sharman xx

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