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by Heather Murphy
(Las Cruces, NM)



I am fairly new to the whole acrylic on canvas process.

Lulu is one of my three fur babies. All of them are rescue animals and each one has a very distinct personality. This happens to be her favorite pose.

The challenge here was working from a rather poor picture off my cell phone. She loves to sit with me when I am painting but tends to change positions too often to work with her as a live model, so the phone picture was the only way to capture her.

Her fur tends to change color depending on the lighting in the room and it is a really odd texture. I love all my puppies and can’t imagine life without them. Sometimes I donate the paintings to local groups to help them raise funds for charity events.

Comments for Lulu

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Aug 14, 2017
critiques NEW
by: Heather

Thanks for the advice. I actually do metal art by trade and it's a completely different process compared to acrylic on canvas. I have no formal training and just go where it feels right.

Aug 14, 2017
Lulu NEW
by: Anonymous

Pretty good! Definitely improvements to make, but everyone can improve a little. It's very pleasing to the eyes and well shaded. It could be blended more evenly, you can't really tell from farther away. Great work.

Aug 12, 2017
Your dogs NEW
by: Anonymous

Love your work! I have 2 bosses, both dachshunds, and know where you are coming from. Ive been painting for only 2 years and it is a co stantly evolutionary process. Let the fun never end. Thank you.

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