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ISO... (in search of)

by Tom-Paul Jagg
(Manly, Australia)

ISO... (in search of)

ISO... (in search of)

Years ago I used to draw with a girlfriend of mine. For days on end.

At each day's end we'd go bike riding in the forested hills of New England with her dog Twinks (a beagle) in a basket in front of her bike.

So now this is me "in search of" Carol and her pooch Twinks. I've never painted in Acrylics, and it's my new drug.

I've been painting for 3 months every day. Some days 10-12 hours, other days just 2 or 3.

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Feb 19, 2014
Welcome to acrylics! NEW
by: Linda

Love the story behind the painting. The lighting coming through the trees is nice and the lone figure at the far back really speaks to me.
I love painting in acrylics and hope you continue on your new path.

Feb 19, 2014
like this NEW
by: Pamela Meredith

I like this going up the lane alway won't to know what around the corner

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