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Ionian Sea - Second Painting

by Jane
(Suffolk UK)

Ionian Sea (2)

Ionian Sea (2)

I decided to have another go at painting the Ionian Sea and this time tried to capture the beautiful clarity of the water.

The Mediterranean sea has very little tidal movement and hence little sediment. Having been volcanic in origin, the shoreline can be very steep and you can often anchor just a couple of boat lengths away from shore - yet be in 14 metres of water and still see the anchor on the bottom. The water is so very clear that it is hard to believe the rocks beneath you are a safe distance from the hull of the boat.

The normal practice is to anchor and take a long line ashore, but I decided to leave this out of the painting as it would have cluttered the left hand side of the painting.

Also I'm struggling for a title for the painting ... all suggestions gratefully received!


Comments for Ionian Sea - Second Painting

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Apr 04, 2014
Unbelievable !
by: B.B.

I really wish I could paint like that. This is truly unbelieveable for a second painting. Water looks fantastic realistic! Feels like a perfect holiday spot.

Nov 06, 2013
How about "tranquility" ?
by: Linda, Orlando FL

Hi jane, I love your water! I lived in Bermuda for a few years and the transparency of the water is very similar. The overall feeling for me is tranquility thus the suggestion. I enjoy your composition , it invites the viewer to come and enjoy the sailing experience.

I believe you commented on my painting "resting". I appreciate your input and look forward to constructive criticism . Yes, I did grow up around the water and boating. It is a wonderful sensation to be so connected to the sea and nature. Like you I enjoy the up close and personal in compositions.

Oct 01, 2013
by: Bob B

It's the tiny details that impress me most - the slight bow in the top cable allowing for the weight of the coiled rope - well done.

Oct 01, 2013
At Peace
by: Caz Gold Coast Australia

Fantastic for your 2nd painting You are a natural I wish you great success

Sep 17, 2013
Gorgeous Clarity In Your Water!
by: Frankie

Jane this is a lovely painting! Well done. I'm especially mesmerised by the shadow play in the rope and on the deck of the boat. Maybe you could call it "Light Play". I always try to think of puns when naming artwork, but can't come up with anything funny or ironic at the moment! Cheers, Frankie

Sep 17, 2013
by: Pamela Meredith

some beautiful work I love anything to do with sea well done

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