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by Prachi
(Bangalore, Karnataka, India)



This is a recent painting that I did. And I remember very well I had just moved into my new house. After a tiring day, I saw this canvas lying at the corner of my room and I thought I should paint.

I pulled my acrylic paints out. But unfortunately or maybe it was fortunate, I couldn't find my set of brushes and I was too lazy to look for the brushes, but I also had to paint.

Then I found "The Tool", there it was lying alongside with my takeaway food "Disposable plastic fork" :) and with a fork and a piece of rug and of course my fingers I started my work and finished it in half an hour's time I guess.

Comments for Intersection

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Oct 06, 2017
Thanks NEW
by: Prachi

Thanks for appreciating guys.

Jan 06, 2017
nice NEW
by: Qatpaw

Nice job on the improvised paint tools! I really like how it came out.

Dec 22, 2016
Very neat! NEW
by: Jenn Adele K

I really like all the different textures and layers you achieved in this piece! Awesome!

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