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In The Sculpture Garden Canberra

by Sandy B
(Canberra Australia)

In The Sculpture Garden

In The Sculpture Garden

This was drawn and painted from a number of photos taken at my favourite viewing spot at Australian National Gallery.

The path starts near a Rodin, passes Penelope, a modern huge industrial type sculpture and leads to other sculptures in the garden and to the lake.

I drew it in a journal, did a notan, painted the original sketch with a palette knife and then laid butcher's paper on the floor and did a charcoal sketch. Finally I felt confident to start.

It took ages - 4 x 3hour class sessions plus I looked at it night and day for the interim times and did little bits at home.

Anyway it is done and I am happy with this my first 60 x 90 cm canvas - the other canvases are much smaller.

Both Penelope and the Rodin are turned slightly from their actual placement. I am usually much happier using paper or cardboard.

Maybe I will try another one from the garden - hmmm.
I also painted my idea of Penelope Waiting from my photos of the sculpture.

Oops the first photo is before the shadows and fine tuning of the Rodin sculpture.

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