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Flowers For Vince

by Patricia Ann Timbrook
(Ridgeley WV USA)

Flowers For Vince

Flowers For Vince

These paintings were definitely thought out and planned.

My family is connected closely to an international children's charity,, founded and run by long-time friends of ours, Bryan and Diane Thomas, and life-time missionaries to Russian an in the Philippines.

Several years ago when they realized the need to start taking in the abandoned, abused, orphaned, and hungry street kids in the city of Bogo, on Cebu Island, Bryan rescued a 5-five-year old boy named Vince. Vince was a little off mentally and kept wandering from the home and into traffic. Tragically, he was killed by a car in the spring of this year. The home and the other kids did their best to have a funeral service.

The loss was big to the boys and to the Thomases. I offered to paint a series of contemporary acrylic abstracts in memory of Vince's life and to help in raising funds for Humanility. Thus, here are 2 of the 10 images. If you look closely at the center of the blossom, there is a V. Prints are being made from the paintings. I hope we can sell lots of them, of course.

Thank you for sharing Vince's story.

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