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by Hailey Gauthier
(Houston, TX, USA) in progress in progress

A year and a half ago If you asked my artistic ability I would have stated I can barely draw a smiley face or doodle letters. I am a lefty and although creative in a little bit of a lot drawing or painting was something I always was drawn to yearn for the ability. Seeing the creative works of others always left me with admiration and finding myself trying to doodle for about ten minutes until I realize it is just not my thing.

Now I got into fluid art by accident actually. I had ordered a five panel lotus flower piece to hang on the wall behind my bed and I was so excited because it was a beautiful piece and I got it for a few bucks. At the time naive not knowing the quality and true type of canvas panels I had ordered it came in on what seemed like 5 pieces or rolled up thick gloss sheets of paper.

So my deal quickly became costly after googling every way to try to hang it somehow some way myself and after finally going to Michaels to ask, the price per panel was way beyond my budget for my bedroom wall wishes.

However, In the process of going through my youtube search feeds on trying to diy I discovered pour painting and while at Michael's I picked up a few supplies and painted that evening,

I have been hooked ever since. At this time I have two collections and 60 pieces. I have also had three friends get on board to paint with and they are inspired as I was and still am.

It has been my therapy, my solitude, my saving grace, my entire day, my love, at times a scrape that I hate but can't wait to paint again after.

I get excited about colors as I have learned color theory and techniques and about what being creative really means to me.

It has changed my life in the best way and I am starting to share my experience and collection with whomever wants to see and answer any questions about technique or whatever comes to mind I will try my best to answer or google it together lol.

Going with the flow everyday in so many ways, If you need a break just pour some paint.

It is said that when we create we are vibrating at our optimum frequency level for our bodies spirit soul and mind.

Be Kind and Create

Let's paint,


Comments for CreateFloArt

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Apr 02, 2023
Beautiful NEW
by: Jennifer Payne

Your work is beautiful. I attempted fluid art, and it is great fun, but so, so challenging for me. I had trouble with the mixing of colors and then creating something that looked intentional. I had a few successes, but many many failures! You are a natural! Keep up the good work!

Oct 02, 2019
I share your feelings about painting NEW
by: Joaquina

Hi Hailz!
I love and share your feelings ["it has been my saving grace"]Thank you for sharing and becoming
soul friends.Keep enjoying your creativity!

Aug 24, 2019
by: Mandy Faulkner

Dear Hailz,
I am stuck in a rut of loving painting but bored of my subjects ie portraits. My tendency is to paint precisely; obviously, if you see what I mean; leaving nothing to the imagination.
Then I came across your post. WOW!
I’ve studied Colour Therapy and relish colour itself. For a long time now I’ve just wanted to ‘free-up’ and play with natural pigments influenced by our two trips to Australia. The colours there are stunning.
Basically I just wanted to say ‘well done’ and thank you for being an inspiration.

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