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Calla Lilies

by April Y
(Gladwin, MI, USA)

Calla lilies

Calla lilies

Have been painting for a bit over a year, since I retired. Started with watercolors, but enjoy acrylics more. Self-taught, with support from Youtube videos.

Will be doing my first craft show this month, hoping to sell a few works. Nervous about it, but have to get my feet wet at some point, and I'm running out of room to store finished works!

Comments for Calla Lilies

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Nov 07, 2015
Craft Show NEW
by: April Y

Thank you, Cyndi. I appreciate the support about how to price my paintings for sale. I'll be taking some blank cards I've painted, as well as some crochet coasters, tree ornaments, etc. as "back up" in case my paintings don't sell.

Nov 06, 2015
beauty NEW
by: Cyndi

Enjoy your first show… and go with your gut on pricing!
I sold my 1st 2 paintings $60 & $35 at a Seagrass Awareness festival where people were not expecting to buy items since the booths were informational.
I was lucky enough to know someone who let me set up a table and I'm sure helped that the paintings were a Turtle 16x20 and a seahorse 8x10.

Nov 05, 2015
Major Ooops! NEW
by: Anonymous

My apologies for multiple postings of the same comment---I think all were posted because I kept getting a message that my code word entry was wrong, and I kept trying to repost.

Nov 05, 2015
Calla Lilies NEW
by: April Y

in response to Anonymous: Thank you for some valid points about selling at art fairs/craft shows. I have viewed some Youtube videos by art sellers that support your points. I'm considering just pricing my works at $20/$30/$40 depending on the sizes, to simplify things. If that goes okay, I may consider re-pricing for other venues based on the amount of time spent painting each work.

Nov 05, 2015
Calla Lilies NEW
by: April Y

in response to Anonymous: Thank you for some valid points about selling at art fairs/craft shows. I have viewed some Youtube videos by art sellers that support your points. I'm considering just pricing my works at $20/$30/$40 depending on the sizes, to simplify things. If that goes okay, I may consider re-pricing for other venues based on the amount of time spent painting each work.

Nov 05, 2015
Calla Lilies NEW
by: April Y

in response to Anonymous: Thank you for some valid points about selling at art fairs/craft shows. I have viewed some Youtube videos by art sellers that support your points. I'm considering just pricing my works at $20/$30/$40 depending on the sizes, to simplify things. If that goes okay, I may consider re-pricing for other venues based on the amount of time spent painting each work.

Nov 03, 2015
be aware NEW
by: Anonymous

when selling at a 'craft show/fair/market" be aware of what others are offering. selling paintings in a craft atmosphere can 'cheapen' their worth. Look for Art Fairs where the attendees know that ART is being sold and they are prepared to fork out the $$ for pieces. In my experience 'craft' attendees are looking for cheap items- usually under $20 is what sells the most. Don't lower prices to move product - stick to your pricing and find the right venue. Good luck!

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