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Beyond the Palms

by Rekha
(Melbourne, VIC, Australia)

Finished painting!

Finished painting!

I wanted to share this painting as its been almost two years in the making!! Yep that's right - 2 years!

I could tell you that I've been busy, got distracted etc but the truth is at every major step I was happy with - I got caught up thinking the next brush stroke would ruin it and that stopped my progression - does this happen to anyone else?? (Looking back through my photo album, I did complete a few other paintings in the mean time!)

When I finished 'Beyond the Palms', I wondered why I took so long to finish pursuit to get it perfect stopped me from progressing. And then I wondered "what if I had never got round to finishing it?"...what a shame that would have been!

I love Mark's motto to chuck some paint around! Chucking paint around is a journey I'm still on. I love the results of 'Beyond the Palms' and if I learn to let the painting go where it wants, I will have a lot more paintings to cover my walls with!

Thanks to Mark and AA for all the tips and making painting so accessible to everyone!
Rekha xx

Comments for Beyond the Palms

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Dec 01, 2018
Amazing palm trees NEW
by: lou Lou

Wow Rekka,

that is an amazing painting of a tropical beach and those palm trees and fronds. Wow!! I go through dread of failure every time I even think of starting, or continuing with, a painting. It is the worst isn't it? It stops me from doing so much painting. And I am so proud of every piece I finish. Well that's not quite true. I have thrown a few pieces in the rubbish bin and I regret doing so because when I look back at photos of those pieces, I see what others see, that they actually look quite good! I either can't stop or I can't finish, thinking I always need to do more! And I usually don't. I just can't see it at the time! Good luck with your painting. Hugs Lou Lou

Nov 01, 2018
Same here NEW
by: Rashmi

Hi Rekha,
Very reassuring to read your account. I am going through exactly the same thing. In trying to finish this one painting, I have completed 4 quite satisfactory ones. I keep on wondering why I can't complete this one, I am so afraid of spoiling it. Hope I too have a lovely painting at the end of it. Yours is really very good. Btw I am self teaching myself with help from Mark's lessons and you tube videos.

Oct 19, 2018
What a beautiful Painting!!!! NEW
by: Simon Hamel (Montreal, Quebec, Canada)

Wow, it's so beautiful.
I agree when you say that you were stopped by the fear of ruining your painting if you gave another brush stroke. I have the same feeling sometimes and itYou've accomplished a beautiful painting, I hope you will share more of your creations here.
Thank you

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