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Australian Sunset No. 1

by Anthony

Australian Sunset No. 1

Australian Sunset No. 1

Well this is my first finished acrylic painting ,it's a bit of a rip off from Mark's Youtube video tutorial on sunsets, changing from one colour to another as you move across the canvas.

I emigrated to Australia a couple of years ago after meeting a girl who would become my wife, she being a rural NSW girl gave us plenty of nights to sit out on her farm and watch summer sunsets.

Painting has helped me to reconnect with a childhood love of nature and it's beauty, I think life just got in the way.

Australia is an awesome place at times and although I can't paint all the million individual mosquitos that bite me watching those sunsets, I am glad I took the time to sit with my wife and watch them.

Thanks again to Mark for all the free tips online I'm a real big fan of his work .

Comments for Australian Sunset No. 1

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May 20, 2015
Nicely done NEW
by: Mark Waller

Just read this and the comment. Love that the tutes are so useful and humbled by you making paintings based on them. Feeling all mushy. :)

Feb 23, 2015
Looks lovely NEW
by: Jane

Wish I could see a larger image of this painting Anthony as it looks really lovely. Any chance you could crop the picture you posted to just that of the painting and post it again - it would be really nice to see it in detail.

Agree with your comments on Mark's videos - they are really great.

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