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Along the Oregon Coast

by Ibby Ruttle
(London Ontario)

Along the Oregon Coast, 30x36, Acrylic

Along the Oregon Coast, 30x36, Acrylic

I have been painting since 2000. My mum sat on my shoulder and said, “You really must do monetizing in your retirement,”.

So, with help from friends, I bought paints, picked up a brush and, voila, I did nothing! I was terrified!

Eventually, I started painting the sea. I grew up in La Jolla CA. I painted what I ‘knew’. I love the sea! And, the Oregon Coast is spectacular with all its monoliths, wave action and color. I keep going back to it.

I hope you like it!

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Jun 02, 2020
Thank you! NEW
by: Ibby

Thanks so much! It really was a magical day and moment. The colors were extraordinary!

Jun 01, 2020
Beautiful work NEW
by: Steve Myers

This is very nice work Ibby. Colours are so vibrant. Thank you d=for sharing

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