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Alfie the Cat

by Joanne Nicole

Alfie the Cat

Alfie the Cat

This is an acrylic on canvas of a friends pet cat Alfie who unfortunately recently left his earthly body.

I've painted since i can remember but only started taking it seriously just recently and this was the first complex painting I had done in a long time, watching Mark's videos helped boost my motivation!

I wanted to challenge myself so I chose something highly detailed. I was unsure how successful it would be but..... I think I'm happy with it.

Comments for Alfie the Cat

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Nov 02, 2015
Alfie NEW
by: Sally

You definitly captured the aloof Cat Personality. Great job! I agree with others that this would have maximum impact in a fairly large size.

Nov 02, 2015
Russian Blue NEW
by: Jill from Perth

Your painting of Alfie is a credit to you. Such talent you have.
Alfie you look like my Ashly. Keep up your great work.

Nov 01, 2015
by: Julie

I showed the whole family. They couldn't believe it was a painting.

Well done!

Nov 01, 2015
Alfie the Cat NEW
by: Diane

Your cat is amazing! When I first saw it I thought it was a photo of the cat and that you painting would follow.

You did an outstanding job. Congratulations you are amazing

Nov 01, 2015
Photo Realistic! NEW
by: Nancy Cornett

I have never seen an acrylic painting with this much photo realism. In fact I'm still having trouble getting my head around the fact that it IS acrylic - but I trust this newsletter wouldn't include it if it wasn't.

Stunning work. Thanks for sharing it with us. What is the actual size?

Nov 01, 2015
Looks like a photo! NEW
by: Gaisey

I try and paint cats and they turn out comical! Your painting is so perfect it looks like a photo. Great job! Keep painting!

Nov 01, 2015
Alfie NEW
by: Dan USA

Beautiful Joanne.

Nov 01, 2015
Alfie NEW
by: Anonymous

This is fantastic...such detail. Excellent work.

Nov 01, 2015
contented cat NEW
by: Anonymous

the cat is almost alive
looks contented

Nov 01, 2015
HapPy with it??? NEW
by: Anonymous

Man.... You should be OVER THE MOON with it. Such an incredible job you did... Huge Thumbs Up For YOU!!! Cheers, tp

Oct 01, 2015
Beautiful NEW
by: Pam B

How pretty! I wonder how big the painting is in real life. It would be great if it was HUGE, like 2 x 3 ft or something. :)

Sep 18, 2015
by: Anonymous


Sep 09, 2015
So Angry Cat
by: Harward

That cat is so lovely and looks angry. But she's too cute.

Sep 07, 2015
Beautiful Tribute
by: Cricket from Canada

What a beautiful painting - I love to paint dogs in watercolor, and I can appreciate how difficult capturing the details may be. You have done a wonderful job Joanne. You have captured his personality on canvas and I can almost see him blinking and turning away like he doesn't care about much other than the next meal. Well done and keep painting!

Sep 07, 2015
by: Jane (from the UK)

Congratulations I really love this painting and find it very compelling. The suggestions below are offered as a positive contribution and should not be taken as negative criticism - its a lovely painting.

The addition of a shadow on the eyes under the top lids would create the feeling of the eyes being more 3-D than currently.

Also the dots where Alfie's whiskers go into his skin are currently very horizontal and could be a little more sculpted to create the illusion of moving around the curve of his muzzle.

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